14 Nov 2012

VastHits Banner Ad Exchange

I've been trying out a thing I've never tried before; Banner exchange. The place I got this was from the traffic exchange VastHits, one of the TE's where you get paid for clicking - 30 cents per 1000 clicks. Yes, well, I know it aint much, but considering you get all the free traffic too, a few extra cents in your account are always welcome.

The banner below is an example of how it may look:

When I'm writing this, VastHits claims that a total of 284152 banners are shown throughout Vasthits and Members sites. Pretty impressive!. 

The instructions are simple and easy to follow, so hopefully this is something good :)  We all need a bit of positivism sometimes, so I will try this out for a while.

Go ahead, try it for yourself!

11 Oct 2012

Content - Writing articles

I had a few extra minutes earlier today, and that is not usual these days, so I did some googling on different topics. Lots of crap, some fun pics - mostly of cats :p - and then suddenly... I stumbled over a bunch of articles about how to write articles.

And they were interesting. Very. I wish I'd read them a long time ago, they where written back in 2008(!) by a guy called Jerry McCoy, perhaps I'd now be better at this.

The site is called "How To Write Marketing Articles" and the stuff is, as mentioned, written by Jerry McCoy. Now, I don't have a clue who this McCoy is, but I can tell he really knows what he is talking about.

So, if you suddenly come up with some spare time; Head over and have a look. It might well be worth it!

10 Oct 2012



This is one of those programs that run in your browser every time you go on the internet. Basically, there is a small ad down att your screen that changes every few minute, and you get paid for seeing it - No, you do not have to click it or anything.

I have tried it out for a couple of months now, and much to my surprise it really work!I actually get some cash for doing virtually NOTHING!

One of the advantages with this program, for me, is that they accept Payza (former AlertPay) as a way to send you money! :) As some of you may know, I really dislike PayPal...

If you want to earn more with the program there is a bunch of daily games, extra clicks (like in ClixSense) and of course - like in every program - you get paid more if you get a downline.

Well worth giving a try, after all - it is completely free!

make cash